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2016 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Great Strides Walk

At Wichita Furniture, we believe it’s important to give back to our community, and to support our staff. This month, we had a chance to do both.

Our District Sales Manager, Jason White, has a young daughter named Kambree who has Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Saturday, May 7, 2016 was the Wichita Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s Great Strides Walk. Prior to the walk, the Wichita Furniture, Furniture on Consignment and Ashley HomeStore staff raised money to support Kambree’s team, White’s Warriors.

Cystic Fibrosis Walk Team White's Warriors

On Friday, May 6, we surprised Kambree and her parents with a check for $5,000 toward their team’s fundraising goal. Watch the presentation here. We also ran a campaign on our Website and social media pages to help spread awareness about CF and raise money for Kambree’s team, White’s Warriors. Together we raised $12,790, and a total of $19,380 for her team!

Kambree Check Presentation

Kambree and Wichita Furniture, Furnitore on Consignment and Ashley HomStore Wichita Staff

On Saturday, May 7, Kambree’s team, including Staff from Wichita Furniture, Furniture on Consignment, and Ashley HomeStore, completed the Great Strides walk. Thank you to everyone who supported us in helping to find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis!

Kambree White and FamilyKambree and Members of Team White's WarriorsCystic Fibrosis Foundation Great Strides WalkWalking in the Cystic Fibrosis Walk